Supporting nursing and medical student education

Support student nurse attraction and retention. Improved educational opportunities for all healthcare students.

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Group 7990

How We Support Healthcare Education

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TR093/Adelaide School of Nursing

Nursing students who register interest in CAO TR093 are invited to submit a separate application to the Adelaide Health Foundation for an Adelaide School of Nursing place. Successful students receive their clinical education for their BSc in Nursing in Tallaght University Hospital in conjunction with Trinity College, Dublin.

The Adelaide School of Nursing was founded in 1859 by Miss Bramwell who had served in the Crimea with Florence Nightingale. Ms Nightingale’s life and writing were a major influence on shaping nursing as a profession in Ireland. The Adelaide School of Nursing is famous for nursing excellence throughout the world.

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The annual nursing bursary scheme supports TUH nursing students by way of a means tested bursary, with eligibility criteria generally based on those of the SUSI Scheme. The foundation believe that no student should be prevented from studying nursing in Tallaght University Hospital due to financial constraints. The bursaries provided each year support between 40 and 50 nursing students with costs of travel and accommodation – essentially contributing to the living costs of those who need it, to help alleviate some of the financial pressure on those studying and attending placements.

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Nursing in general, with TUH being no exception, is experiencing significant recruitment and retention issues.In addition to the leaving certificate entry into nursing, we are supportive of increased access and financial support for mature students and have secured additional places for this cohort under TR093.

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Registered Charity Number 20029869 | CRO Number 224404 | CHY (Revenue) Number 11153 Tallaght University Hospital, Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

+353 1 4142071

The Adelaide Health Foundation,
Tallaght University Hospital,
Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

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