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School of Nursing Application Form

2024 Application Closed

Annual Scheme

Launch Date:

Application re-opens 2025


The Adelaide Health Foundation, through the Adelaide School of Nursing, has the responsibility, under the Charter of Tallaght University Hospital, of selecting students for nurse education at the Adelaide School of Nursing. We work with TCD and the CAO in the process to offer TR093 places. In selecting applicants the Foundation has regard to the multi-denominational and pluralist character of the hospital. Applicants should complete the form carefully and fully.

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Registered Charity Number 20029869 | CRO Number 224404 | CHY (Revenue) Number 11153 Tallaght University Hospital, Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

+353 1 4142071

The Adelaide Health Foundation,
Tallaght University Hospital,
Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

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