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Our support for nurses

The Adelaide Health Foundation is committed to supporting nurses in Tallaght University Hospital in respect of their professional development and the contribution to the development of nursing practice in the hospital.
Our annual programme of Nursing Scholarships is open to nurses in Tallaght University Hospital.

The Hannah McDowall Nursing Scholarship

This Scholarship is awarded to the student nurse who achieves the highest mark at distinction level in the first year annual examinations conducted by Trinity College, Dublin. The Scholarship, valued €500, is to promote excellence in nursing studies is open to all nursing students attached to Tallaght Hospital. It is named in honour of the late Staff Nurse Hannah McDowall (1976-2001).

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The Mansfield Nursing Scholarship

The scholarship is open to any qualified staff nurse at Tallaght University Hospital [TUH], and is delivered in conjunction with TUH Centre for Learning and Development [CLD].

It is education focused and is to fund nursing staff to attend courses/conferences.

Funding of €10,000 has been allocated by the Adelaide Health Foundation.

Objectives of the Mansfield Scholarship are:

  • To assist in the undertaking of a course or programme to contribute to the development of nursing practice and patient care in the Hospital and/or associated community services.
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The Caroline Sharkey Nursing Scholarship

The Caroline Sharkey Award is awarded to the 4th Year Intern nurse who has displayed excellence in compassionate care at ward level. Mr Sharkey founded the Award in memory of his late wife, in grateful appreciation of the kindness shown to her by nursing staff in the hospital. This award highlights the importance of listening, empathy and respect in nursing care. This Scholarship carries a value of €3,000 per annum.

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The Dorothy and David Mitchell Scholarship

This Scholarship carries a value of €3000 (or such other sums as the Board of the Adelaide Health Foundation shall determine) per annum and is open to any registered nurse on the staff of the Hospital.

Objectives of the Dorothy and David Mitchell

  • To develop nursing practice within the Hospital through evidence based practice.
  • To support projects by nurses this would improve the quality of patient care and be of benefit to nurses in their practice.
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Registered Charity Number 20029869 | CRO Number 224404 | CHY (Revenue) Number 11153 Tallaght University Hospital, Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

+353 1 4142071

The Adelaide Health Foundation,
Tallaght University Hospital,
Tallaght, Ireland. D24 NR0A

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